Bridging New And Old Features Through Regression Testing


To remain competitive, companies need to reinvent their items with a lot more features and functionalities from time to time. It’s observed the conclusion folks are wont to change their preferences for products based on factors for example capabilities, faster loading, cost, and seamless functioning. Hence, the incorporation from the aforementioned-stated factors can raise the adaptability in the software for his or her finish customers. However, the lately added features or changes can trigger modifications in the old features, which otherwise addressed, may affect the customer experience adversely. This is where regression tests are necessary, where the functioning in the existing or old features is tested. It makes sure that the completely new code additions don’t render the current functions infructuous. A correctly-planned regression testing strategy investigates the bugs that could creep into any new build unintentionally, while making certain the last ones are eliminated.

Remember, any alteration of a pc program could cause unforeseen effects, thus, adversely affecting the customer experience. These unforeseen effects or side-effects also referred to as regressions can be shown in components, features, functionalities, and systems that are not part of the software changes. A regression testing exercise flags such regressions or changes enhancing the QA team to:

Identify and fasten natural or lately-introduced glitches to the existing system because of the new build.

Enhance the performance in the computer software.

Consider any changes for the hosting atmosphere.

Regression testing might be performed throughout the below stated QA tests –

Unit Test: In this sort of QA testing, the littlest testable facets of any application also referred to as units are tested to find out if they are performing unsurprisingly. Any glitch inside the individual components could have a cascading effect overall software when the same can get integrated.

Integration test: This can be unlike the machine test where the integrated groups (a mixture of units) or modules from the application are tested in a number of ways.

System test: This follows up from integration testing where the performance and functioning of several components are tested to evaluate how they talk to each other incorporated inside a built-in system.

Acceptance test: Since every application needs validation round the litmus test of user acceptability, the acceptance test finds out the quantity the applying addresses the customer needs and can obtain approval. This sort of exams are named as beta testing, field testing, finish-user testing, or application testing.

Therefore, regression testing in software testing often takes devote the conclusion of each and every test cycle. Importantly, it provides unit regression testing where each unit code is validated by rerunning the machine tests. Since regression testing might be repetitive and time-consuming, it’s frequently automated to reduce the execution some time to release the testers for other important tasks.

When can you perform regression testing strategy?

Each time a software program is modified with the help of, altering, or removing features or functionalities, regression tests are needed to become transported out. Let us comprehend the same thing goes using the next examples.

Inclusion of recent functionalities: A pc program allows a person to login employing their email credentials. However, a completely new functionality is added where the login might be performed using Facebook too. Here, regression testing would find out if the old functionality of logging into websites with email is working or else.

Any Change Requirement (CR) is implemented: The password option is removed the login page to facilitate faster login.

Fixing a defect: In situation the login button develops a glitch which is fixed with the developers, the QA team should perform a computerized regression testing to look for the fixed login button as well as other connected functionalities are accomplishing unsurprisingly.

Fixing a performance issue: In situation a pokey loading software packages are bound, decreasing the load speed from, say, 5 seconds to 2 seconds. So, when the code changes are produced to reduce the loading speed, some glitches may enter or old functionalities may get affected. This is where regression testing services can execute test and pre-empt any glitch from affecting the performance in the application.

Alteration of the framework or atmosphere: Once the database is updated from MySQL to Oracle, the resultant code changes need to be validated to prevent any unforeseen effects.

How to make executing regression testing – manual or automation?

Due to the monotony and complexity of those tests, they must be automated. Because these tests are required to be practiced after every build or deployment, they ought to be automated to save time and effort. In addition, running a lot of test cases by hands might be difficult and can lead to several glitches remaining unchecked.